Lend a Hand

Lend a Hand

There are many ways you can help support the community of Missoula and The Converge Foundation (TCF) in advancing the Currents Center for Recreation and Creativity (CCRC). 

Help get the word out

by suggesting or introducing The Converge Foundation to organizations (e.g., sports, church, clubs, cultural) or individuals.

Provide programming ideas

for specific target groups like aging adults, persons with disabilities, veterans,

Host a gathering

to help spread the word or join The Converge Foundation board in hosting a gathering.


to help in our education campaign, or make connections to possible donors, or assist with organizational tasks.

Be an ambassador

by being willing to make presentations in cooperation with a member of The Converge Foundation board, or simply spread the word to individuals and small groups.


An endorsement, a testimonial, or letter of support.


your City Council representative or make a public comment at a City Council meeting.


in one of The Converge Foundation’s educational or outreach videos.


by making a donation to help offset our educational costs or provide mission critical support for operations.

Reach out to The Converge Foundation if you or others are able to get involved in this exciting, transformative project for Missoula.